Functions: Altimeter, Barometer, Compass, Weather forecast, Thermometer, Hygrometer, Clock (Current time) Body: Plastic (Size: 4.4 x 5.6 cm), Carabiner: Aluminum (Size: 6.0 x 3.5 cm), Weight: 47g Data range: Altimeter: -999 – 9,999 m (-2,999 – 19,999 ft), Barometer: 800 – 1,100 hPa/mbar (23.63 – 32.49 inHg), Thermometer: -10 – 60°C (14 – 140°F), Weather forecast: 4 icons (Sunny, Partly cloudy, Cloudy, Rainy) Sensor Master 4 is handheld device that will give you a lot of weather information. Max / Min data auto-record, trend indicator each in Altimeter, Barometer, Thermometer and Hygrometer.

Price : $42.99