5700A Elite Weather Meter w/Applied Ballistics – Blaze OrangeGet the world’s most complete ballistics calculator – a rugged KestrelWeather Meter with the “science of accuracy” built in! The Kestrel EliteWeather Meter provides the full capabilities of the Applied Ballistics Eliteballistics solver along with accurate measurement of wind and air density todeliver elevation and windage solutions for unprecedented accuracy onextended long range shots. Utilizing the full power of the AppliedBallistics solver the Kestrel Elite is intended for shooters who want toreach deep into the transonic and subsonic range.Features:Employs the Applied Ballistics bullet library of custom drag models,an exact measurement of your bullet’s drag profile plus corrections forAerodynamic Jump, Spin Drift, Coriolis, and Drop Scale Factoring to achieveaccurate extended long-range shotsExpanded Features include a customizable Range Card, and an expandedBallistics Data Table as well as storage for up to 16 gun and bulletprofiles and 5 saved targetsWeather mode offers the full environmental measuremeants, storage andcharting capabilities of the Kestrel 5500 Weather Meter, including windspeed, direction, crosswind, temperature, humidity, pressure and altitudeLarge, hi-res, hi-contrast, graphic display is perfectly readable in thebrightest sunlight. Includes both bright white and night-vision -preservingred backlightChoice of solution units (Mils, true MOA, Shooter’s MOA, or clicks) -works with any gun or targeting scopeRugged (drop tested to MIL-STD-810G standards), waterproof (sealed toIP67 standards) and floatsThe Kestrel Elite Weather Meter with Applied Ballistics takes the guessworkout of long-range shooting, even out to the transonic and sub

Price : $599.00
Brand : Kestrel